Belief Clearings

Do you have a pattern of feeling worse the more you try to feel better? Have you tried everything and it feels like nothing is working? Do you begin to improve and then suddenly have a flare-up of your emotional or physical symptoms? Do you struggle with a pattern of self-sabotage, even finding it difficult to help yourself when you know you need to?

If this describes you, I can almost guarantee that your limiting beliefs are getting in your the way of overcoming whatever your challenge is. Your subconscious mind might be blocking you from not only your treatment efforts but also your healing ability through those limiting beliefs. One reason this happens is because, at some level, you actually have an inner conflict about healing. This type of inner conflict occurs when one part of us wants to change, but the other part (often the subconscious) does not want to change because it believes the change is not good for us. Simply put, it's a resistance to your goal, which sabotages your efforts.

Exploring harmful beliefs was the single most important action I took in my own healing journey. It has proven over and over again in client sessions to be essential to the healing process for others, too. In the same way you unsubscribe to emails that don't feel good, create stress in your life, or have views you don't want to be connected with, you can begin changing beliefs.

Limiting beliefs that block healing, due to the subconscious not being in alignment with healing, are typically built around some main concepts.

  1. Safety (It's unsafe to heal) - 
  2. Willingness (I'm unwilling to heal)
  3. Deserving (I'm undeserving of healing)
  4. Readiness (I'm not ready to heal)
  5. Ability (I'm unable to heal)
  6. Wanting (I don't want to heal)

The important thing to know here is that there may be a ton of limiting beliefs to work on. I mean, like mountains of them. Changing beliefs is a marathon, not a sprint. You can only clear as fast as the beliefs reveal themselves to you. You won't have to conquer every last one in order to heal. You just need to make a good dent in the pile.

© 2018 Anne Webster. box 2588 Cardston AB T0K0K0
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